Take care of the sewage system!

  • DO NOT throw away antiseptic toiletries, kitchen paper, disposable gloves or masks in the toilet.
  • These discards cause severe network blockages during a period when the company operates strictly with security personnel.

Pay attention to our discharges in the toilet these days of increased personal care due to coronavirus, EYATH SA recommends to its consumers.

Specifically, it is recommended to the Thessaloniki consumer public not to dispose of toilet paper, napkins, napkins or antiseptic wipes, disposable gloves or even masks, products that have recently been consumed in the context of personal care and protection from COVID-19.

These products do not decompose and, in combination with fats and oils, can cause blockages in pipelines, pumping stations and sewage facilities, during this period of time where the company operates with security personnel to ensure the health of its employees.

EYATH also reminds us of the timely need of disposal into the toilet bin of other personal hygiene products, such as sanitary napkins, diapers, cotton swabs, because, as well as the above, cause problems in our town’s sewerage network and even sewage floods into houses and businesses.

We do not throw anything in the toilet, we take care of our networks and our people and strictly enforce our own personal hygiene rules at this time, EYATH recommends to the citizens of Thessaloniki.