The Regular General Meeting of the Company shareholders, which took place on the 4th of August 2011 on the Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki, 13 km  of Thessaloniki – Peraias, on the General Meeting 19 shareholders presented themselves which hold 29,065,733 shares, on the total of 36,300,000 or a percentage of 80.071% of the share capital.
The decisions of the General Meeting and the results of the voting per issue, according to the article 10 of the L. 3884/2010, are presented below.
Issue 1ο – The Annual Financial Statement of the Fiscal Year from 1/1/2010 to 31/12/2010 was approved.
Number of shares given for the valid Votes: 29,065,733
Percentage of the share capital: 80.044%
Total number of valid votes: 29.065.733
Number of votes for: 28,955,333 against: 0 absent: 110,400
Issue 2ο – Discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the Chartered Auditors from any liability for the proceedings of the recent fiscal year 2010. (1/1/2010 – 31/12/2010).
Number of shares given for the valid Votes: 29,065,733
Percentage of share capital: 80.044%
Total number of valid votes: 29,065,733
Number of votes for: 26,969,116 against: 0 absent: 2,096,617
Issue 3ο – Approved the remuneration of the salaries and the compensations paid to the members of the Board of Shareholders during the 2010 fiscal year and determined the salaries of the President, the CEO, members and the BoD secretary for the fiscal year 2011, according to the reductions of the L. 3833/2010 & L.3845/2010.
Number of shares given for valid Votes: 29,065,733
Percentage of share capital: 80.044%
Total number of valid votes: 29,065,733
Number of votes for: 29,027,143 against: 38,190 absent: 400
Issue 4ο – Appointed is the GRANT THORTON  SA,  for the audit of the current fiscal year 2011 with Auditors the Konstantino Sotirio Α.Μ. Σ.Ο.Ε.Λ.13671 & Koutroulo Konstantino Α.Μ. Σ.Ο.Ε.Λ  25701 as deputy auditors of the Deliyiannis Georgios Α.Μ. Σ.Ο.Ε.Λ  15791 & Mela Dimitrio Α.Μ. Σ.Ο.Ε.Λ  22001  approving at the same time their remuneration.
Number of shares given for valid Votes: 29,065,733
Percentage of share capital: 80.044%
Total number of valid votes: 29,065,733
Number of votes for: 29,001,122 against:  64,211 absent:400
Issue 5ο – Approved was the dividend distribution of 0.114 € per share out of which an amount is withhold according to the dividend tax rate of 21% and the net submitted amount of the dividend per share is 0.09006 € and determined as beneficiaries the share owners of the company which are registered on the 23rd of August 2011 (according to the regulation of the right owners record date). The date of the dividend cut is the 19th of August 2011. The dividend payment will take place of the 29th of August 2011 from EFG EUROBANK Ergasias
Number of shares given valid Votes: 29,065,733
Percentage of the share capital: 80.044%
Total number of valid votes: 29,065,733
Number of votes for: 29,065,333 against: 0 absent: 400
Issue 6ο – Decided was the reintroduction of the issue of the buy out of a private water supply network.
Number of shares given on valid Votes: 29,065,733
Percentage of share capital: 80.044%
Total number of valid votes: 29.065.733
Number of votes for: 29,027,133 against:  38,200 absent:400
Issue 7ο – Accepted the proposal of the BoD for the pricing policy of 2011 under the precondition of amendment of the current 11741/29-12-2006 governmental decision in cooperation with the relevant ministry.
Number of shares given on valid votes: 29,065,733
Percentage of the share capital: 80.044%
Total number of valid votes: 29,065,733
Number of votes for: 29,025,819 against:  39,514 absent:400
Issue 8ο – Approved the time schedule shift of the distribution of the raised funds regarding the construction of the building.
Number of shares given on valid Votes: 29,065,733
Percentage of the share capital: 80.044%
Total number of valid votes: 29,065,733
Number of votes for: 27,040,926 against:  38,190 absent: 1,986,617
Issue 9ο – Appointed the Audit Committee according to the article 37 of the L.3693/2008.
Number of shares given valid Votes: 29,065,733
Percentage of share capital: 80.044%
Total number of valid votes: 29,065,733
Number of shares for: 29,062,172 against: 3,161 absent:400
Issue 10ο – Approved the license according the article 23 of the L. 2190/1920, on the members of the BoD & executive members of EYATH SA  to participate on the BoD of subsidiary company of EYATH SA.
Number of shares given on valid Votes: 29,065,733
Percentage of share capital: 80.044%
Total number of valid votes: 29,065,733
Number of votes for: 29,062,172 against:  3.161 absent:400
Issue 11ο – Approved the Grants – Donations given during 2010 under preconditions whereas did not pre approved grants or donations for 2011. Number of shares given on valid Votes: 29,065,733
Percentage of share capital: 80.044%
Total number of valid votes: 29,065,733
Number of votes for: 28,991,331 against: 74,002 absent: 400