Register Metering ReadingsApplications
How do I register my hydrometer reading?
If access to the reading receivers is not ensured (e.g. due to the absence of the owners), you can register the reading of the hydrometer through MyEyathPortal, by selecting Consumption->Register Reading from the menu and filling in the appropriate fields. The readings will only be taken into account only if were taken in the “next measurement” time period indicated on the last bill.
More Information and Instructions:
The reading of your hydrometer is taken every four months. If our representative does not have access to your water meter, we charge by estimating your consumption, depending on your consumption history.
If there was a difference in consumption in the four months to be measured (due to your absence or higher consumption, etc.) or if your history is not stable, the estimated charge may be incorrect and your bills may be increased as there is a scale in the charge of c.m.
You can now visit MyEyathPortal and register the reading yourself and if our representative does not have access to your water meter, the bill will be issued based on your own statement.
The period in which you can register a reading is shown on the last bill form you received as ‘NEXT MEASUREMENT’.

The hydrometer number is shown on the bill form you receive:

The water meter, depending on its type, shows cubic meters (black background) and liters (red background) or only cubic meters. You must enter ONLY the cubic meters.
The photos below show common types of water meters. The hydrometer number has been highlighted in yellow and the indication to be entered in red.

If your hydrometer is more complex like the one below:

you must enter both indications (large in the photo Φ50, small Φ13). Only the cubic meters and not the liters.
ATTENTION: The ability to give an indication does not release you from the obligation to provide access to your water meter area as according to the Water Intake Regulation of EYATH S.A.:
“The authorized by EYATH S.A. personnel who are in charge of checking the water meter readings, supervising the networks or generally performing any work on the drains, must freely be able to enter the property.
The water receiver is obliged to provide help to the staff for the execution of the work assigned to it, and in case of refusal, the water intake will be terminated immediately by decision of the Director of Consumers of EYATH S.A.”
In addition, when taking a reading, our representative can detect the malfunction of your water meter and thus avoid excessive charges.