Υou can receive online alerts that your bill has been issued. You can now request an electronic bill issue along with sending the form by mail or exclusively by email for each of your connections through MyEyathPortal. To find out about the benefits of MyEyathPortal click here.

For more information you can use our call center 2310966600

Where and how do I payPayments / Debts

Bills can be paid

  • At all Masoutis supermarkets (Diamantis Masoutis S.A.) (except Attica and Andros) at no additional cost.
  • At OPAP agencies and authorised OPAP agencies which are members of the Hellenic Association of Professional Lottery Agents (SEPPP) displaying the SEPPP logo (which can register payments online, issue receipts and update EYATH online that payment has been made).
  • At all banks using the electronic payment code, by debiting your bank account
  • Online via the MyEyathPortal or any bank via web banking service using the online payment code.
  • By standing order (given to the bank you collaborate with), if the bill has not expired.

E-paymentsPayments / Debts

You can pay your bill by using your credit or debit card (Visa & MasterCard) through MyEyathPortal. You can make a payment either as a guest or as an authenticated user by entering your taxis credentials thus maintaining your payment history. To find out about the benefits of MyEyathPortal click here.

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Adjust of due debtsPayments / Debts

Settle your outstanding debts to EYATH by filing an application to join a debt repayment scheme.

You need to be the billpayer or be authorised by the billpayer.

For more information and the submission of the application click here.

Discount in case of leakageTariff Information

Check the plumbing in your home regularly (taps, toilets, baths, etc.) That will help you avoid wasting water unnecessarily.

If there is a leak, EYATH S.A. can offer a discount.

Prerequisites for receiving the discount are the water intake must be in your name and your personal data should be up to date.

For more information and the submission of the application click here.

We emphasize that it is not an exemption but a discount and occurs only if there is a significant deviation of consumption during the leakage comparing to the previous normal consumption of your individual quarters.

For the period during which the debts were incurred, you present the following supporting documents (in the presence of the owner or another authorized person):

  • The E2 document of the tax office, where the rental period of the property, the full name and the VAT number of the tenant are displayed.
  • The lease contract from the AADE digital portal showing the acceptance date.
  • Lease cancellation from the AADE digital portal showing the acceptance date.
  • Responsible declaration of Law 1599/1986, deemed to be the genuineness of the signature, in the K.E.P. or via gov.gr., with the following text:
    • «the lessee …………………………………………………… left the property on the street …………………………………. with Consumer Number ………………………………… on …………………. I will submit the E2 of the year 2023 when I file the tax return. In case of non-presentation of E2, the debts are borne by me as the owner.»
  • Photo of hydrometer, where the reading and its number will be clearly visible, for clearance.
  • Identity card of the owner (or the authorized person).

If there are other co-owners also required:

  • E9 of co-owners printed within last quarter.
  • Responsible declaration of Law 1599/1986, deemed to be the genuineness of the signature, in the K.E.P. or through gov.gr., stating that they accept the transfer to be made to the details of one.

When the owner of the property does not make his tenant liable, then he still remains liable to EYATH SA. himself and must monitor the smooth development of the contract he signed with the company.
According to article 4 par.2.6. of the Water Absorption Regulation of EYATH S.A. “in the case of water supplies where the mentioned obligee does not coincide with the user, whether he is an owner or a tenant, in case of abandonment of the property with outstanding bills of EYATH S.A., then he is automatically responsible for settling them is the owner”