Notice of dividend cut 2016

EYATh SA announces the following: Pursuant to Article of the Athens Stock Exchange and in accordance with the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of June 8, 2017, the total dividend for 2016 amounts to 0,228 euro per share, from which it is canceled it reflux tax 15% and therefore the net payable amount of the dividend will amount to 0,1938 euro per share.
Ex-dividend date was set for 29th of June, 2107. From that date the Company’s shares will be traded on the Athens Exchange without the right to receive aby dividend.
The record date of the dividend for those registered shareholders is the 30th of June, 2017.
The payment date for the dividend was set for July 6th 2017 by the paying bank EUROBANK ERGASIAS as follows:
1. Through the Registry operators, shareholders, those who have authorized for the receipt of dividends their handlers.
2. Through the branch network of the EUROBANK ERGASIAS, for those shareholders who keep their shares in the special account of the registry or have failed to supply or have withdrawn the authorization to Registry operators.
For case 2, dividend can be paid until 31 December 2022, with the notification of the Investor’s Share Account (ID Number in the Dematerialised Securities System) and the display of the Identity Card, either in person or via legally authorized representative, to any branch of the above paying Bank.
3.Distributed amounts will be deposited in the International Bank Account Number (IBAN), that the investor has declared to receive, according to article 13 of the Operation Regulation of Dematerialised Securities System (DSS) and no. 6 decision of the Board of Directors of the ATHEXCSD. It concerns only investors who have declared IBAN, to the Paying Bank.
Dividends not claimed within five (5) years are declared in favor of the Greek State.
For more information, shareholders may contact the Shareholder Services & Corporate Communications of the Company (tel ++30 2310 286613). In addition, the contact details of the paying bank “Eurobank Ergasias SA” are the following: Domestic Markets Custody Operations Division, Corporate Actions Division, Iolku 8 and Filikis Etairias 14234 N.Ionia, telephone numbers 210-35.22.085 and 210-35.22.270.