EELTH: energy savings up to 30%

As of today, EYATH is putting the Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) at the Thessaloniki Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in Sindos into normal operation, expecting energy savings of 20%-30% in the facility in the immediate future.

The station, which has been in pilot operation since mid-October, has a total capacity of 2.5 MW. It belongs to a series of energy and operational projects that are currently being implemented in the EELTH and aim, among other things, at improving the quality of the biogas produced and its exploitation for the co-production of electricity and heat. The electricity produced by the plant is consumed in various stages of wastewater treatment, while part of the heat produced is transferred to the sludge digesters and the new digester for additional biogas production. Overall, in this way energy savings of 20%-30% are achieved in the biological station, depending on the conditions and the waste water load, contributing to the gradual weaning off of fossil energy sources.

“Reducing the impact of our activities on the natural environment is a dynamic and constantly evolving process, to which we are committed through our daily operations, our long-term compliance with the relevant legislation and the investments to upgrade our production units. The normal operation of the SSHITH is a tangible example of this very commitment of ours. We formulate our strategy based on the changing conditions in the climate, society and the energy market, after all, this is the only way we ensure the sustainable development and financial strength of the company, with respect for the environment and people”, pointed out the president of EYATH, Agis Papadopoulos .

“Our pursuit of energy savings is constant and non-negotiable. We achieved a reduction in energy consumption in 2020 of the order of 4.67% compared to 2019, while in 2021 there was a reduction of 17.17% compared to 2020. In 2022 we expect to achieve corresponding amounts of energy savings for all of our facilities, with self-production where possible”, emphasized the managing director of EYATH, Anthimos Amanatidis.

The rational management of energy is a pillar for the orderly operation of EYATH and mainly for the reduction of its environmental footprint. The company aims to save energy in the whole range of its activities, from the control of simple pumps with speed regulators (inverters) to the large energy projects in its facilities, such as the CHP unit. The company, aware of the importance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the European Green Deal and national climate change strategies, seeks through its activity and capital flows towards “green” investments and digital transformation investments, to support the “green” and digital transition in practice.

EYATH’s Sewerage Facilities manager, Kostas Kotoulas (right), informs the president, Agi Papadopoulos, and the managing director, Anthimos Amanatidis (left) about the operation of the station

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Από αριστερά, τα μέλη του Δ.Σ. της ΕΥΑΘ Θόδωρος Κουλούρης και Μαρία Πεταλά με τους Ά. Παπαδόπουλο, Ά. Αμανατίδη και Κ. Κωτούλα.