Development ObjectivesProjects & Development
EYATH S.A.’s development goals, as defined by the company’s approved strategic and operational plan, are related to a number of projects, studies and actions:
- To upgrade, improve and expand the water supply and sewerage systems.
- To automate the water supply and sewerage facilities and networks.
- To secure new supplies of clean drinking water to meet the EYATH service area’s existing and future needs.
- To improve the company’s relations with the citizens of Thessaloniki through the improvement of existing services, development of new services, transitioning to a modern, customer-centred service system and raising citizen awareness of EYATH’s contribution to society in general.
- To upgrade and modernise the company’s infrastructure, which will lead to improved productivity of existing systems and a reduction in energy and environmental costs.
- To establish the company as a research and innovation organisation amongst water and sewage companies at a national and international level.
Development projects (in progress / planned)
- Construction of expansion to Thessaloniki Water Treatment Plant – Phase A2.
- Once the project is completed, the Thessaloniki Water Treatment Plant will be able to supply the EYATH service area with an additional 150,000 m3 a day.
- Construction of a second branch of the Thessaloniki Central Sewerage Pipeline.
- This project is being built by the Special Public Works Department with funding from the Greek government and is intended to upgrade the operation of the city’s sewerage system.
- Procurement and installation of a remote control and automation system for the water supply system of EYATH’s service area (SCADA system for water supply).
- After the project is completed, EYATH will be able to effectively monitor the operation of the water supply system and to design its optimisation (assessing leaks, data for hydraulic simulation of water supply system, crisis scenarios, etc.) with multiple benefits for both consumers and the company.
- Construction of external and internal water supply network in the Oreokastro area.
- The project will fully upgrade the area’s water supply system.
- Construction of sewerage projects to upgrade pump stations, discharge pipes, coastal collection pipeline and central pipeline of the AINEIA Wastewater Treatment Facility.
- The project will significantly improve the existing sewerage system in EYATH’s service area.
- Improvements-repairs to Aravissos aqueduct.
- The project will make improvements to the Aravissos aqueduct and protect it against any deficiencies until the expansion of the Thessaloniki Water Treatment Plant (Phase A2) is completed and it can be fully upgraded.
- Procurement, installation, commissioning and operation of instruments and devices to create pilot integrated district metering areas (DMAs) to systematically check, record, monitor and manage water.
- The development of DMAs with the help of new technologies is particularly important to reducing un-metered (non-revenue) water. The undertaking, amongst other things, seeks to respond to needs for implementing requests from various bodies, local administrative authorities and consumers with regard to installation and operation of remote monitoring and water consumption management systems.
- Works to complete connection of Thessaloniki’s low-lying areas.
- These works aim to ensure the trouble-free operation of the sewerage system.
- Construction of sewerage network in the Neokastro area of the Municipality of Oreokastro.
- The project will fully upgrade the area’s entire wastewater system.
Development studies (in progress / planned)
- Study on assessment of the existing internal water supply network of the Greater Thessaloniki Area.
- This study is part of the redesign and improvement of the water supply system’s operation
- Study of new pipelines in the external water supply networks (external aqueducts) of the Greater Thessaloniki Area and new areas (Thermaikos, Thermi).
- Study of new water supply system storage tanks of reinforced concrete.
- The previous two studies and the projects to be subsequently implemented are part of the upgrade and expansion of the water supply system.
- Study of the second branch of the twin discharge pipe at the pumping station transporting water from the Aliakmonas River to the Thessaloniki Water Treatment Plant.
- The project under study will result in an increase in the amount of water from the Aliakmonas that can be transported for treatment at the Thessaloniki Water Treatment Plant and is essential for developing the plant’s potential after the expansion project (Phase A2) has been completed.
- Study for three new tanks (T2, T3 and lime settling and saturation tank) at the Thessaloniki Water Treatment Plant.
- This study is part of upgrading the plant’s capacity, which is essential in light of the expansion project (Phase A2).
- Study for upgrade-improvement of the operation of the existing water supply pumping station at Dendropotamos.
- This study is part of the redesign and improvement of the water supply system’s operation.
- Study of external water supply systems in Pefka – Asvestochori – Exochi – Chortiatis.
- Following the construction of the project under study, in combination with the project to expand the Thessaloniki Water Treatment Plant (Phase A2), it will be possible to supply the areas of Asvestochori, Exochi and Chortiatis from the EYATH network (Pefka is already connected).
- Report on analysis of the River Drainage Basin Management Plans for Water Districts EL09 & EL10 (EYATH’s service area).
- Study to repair two final settling tanks at the Thessaloniki Wastewater Treatment Facility.
- The specific study is part of the Wastewater Treatment Facility’s upgrade.
- Study of EYATH S.A.’s building programme
- This particular study is part of the upgrade of the company’s buildings to provide better service to citizens and achieve greater efficiency in the company’s operation (reduction in energy/environmental costs).
- Implementation of a plan of actions and works for the integrated maintenance and renovation of the Aravissos aqueduct.
- The plan includes all of the actions and works which must be implemented for the complete renovation of the aqueduct following the completion of the project to expand the Thessaloniki Water Treatment Plant (Phase A2).
- Hydraulic simulation of water supply system.
- This undertaking is based on a detailed mapping of the water supply system and – in combination with the implementation of the water supply SCADA system – will facilitate its improved operation (zoning, leak detection, managing operational scenarios in normal and crisis situations, etc.)
- Hydraulic simulation of pilot sewerage system basin.
- These works will form the basis for future hydraulic simulation of the sewerage system as well.
- Study to reduce EYATH S.A. energy costs and implement investments in renewable energy sources (RES).
- This study is part of the improvement/updating of company infrastructure, and the search for new investments with a view towards green development.
Cooperation with other bodies (new development activities)
- Installation of equipment to monitor consumption at university campus water meters / Cooperation with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh).
- Research programme “Smart infrastructure for remote water consumption and water demand management systems” (Smart-Water) for the pilot installation of a smart water metering system within the Greater Thessaloniki Area / Cooperation with the Apifon telecom company and the Information and Communication Technologies Institute of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH).
- Implementation of EYATH Fixed Assets investment plan and creation of updated register of all its assets / Cooperation with EYATH Fixed Assets.
- Proposal to fund preparation – project maturity for EYATH S.A. & EYATH Fixed Assets investment programmes / Cooperation with EYATH Fixed Assets and the Ministry of Economy and Development General Secretariat for Public Investments
- Implementation of projects “Remote control and automation of water supply systems within EYATH’s service area” and “Construction of expansion to Thessaloniki Water Treatment Plant – Phase A2” / Cooperation with the Region of Central Macedonia Managing Authority
- Calculation of EYATH S.A. monitoring indicators / Cooperation with the Special Secretariat for Water and EYDAP S.A.