Quality Control LabsControl & Quality of Water


The Water Supply Lab run by the Water Supply Facilities and Networks Division is accredited in accordance with the requirements of the ELOT ΕΝ ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard (Accreditation certificate No. 1139) as able to carry out tests specified in the official scope of accreditation. Accreditation of a lab is official recognition by the Hellenic Accreditation System that the lab can carry out specific tests and so is proof that its results are reliable. The key objective of accreditation outlined in the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard is to reduce the likelihood of errors arising both when carrying out analyses and in the stages before and after they are carried out.
Steps are currently being taken to extend the lab’s scope of accreditation.

In addition, both labs participate in inter-lab testing to regularly check the reliability of their results, to monitor the performance of lab tests and so constantly improve operations, and the quality of services provided to Thessaloniki’s citizens.


You can contact the labs by calling:
2310966600 (option 4) or 11124.


EYATH S.A. has two state-of-the-art quality control labs:

  • The Drinking Water Testing Lab, whose main task is to check water from the Thessaloniki urban area and from boreholes and
  • The Quality Control Lab at the Thessaloniki Water Treatment Plant, whose main task is quality control of treated water from the Aliakmon River and the connecting canal and identification of all organic parameters in Thessaloniki’s water.

The two labs cover the entire range of physico-chemical, organic and microbiological parameters which the company is obliged to monitor under the applicable legislation (Joint Ministerial Decision No. Γ1(δ)/ΓΠ οικ. 67322, Government Gazette 3282/B/19.9.2017) in compliance with Directive 98/83/EEC on quality of water for human consumption, as amended.

Checks are carried out using recognised testing methods and examine organoleptic, physico-chemical and toxic parameters, covering organic and inorganic micro-pollutants, and microbiological load in accordance with the applicable laws.

Our labs are staffed by experts in a wide range of fields, including chemistry, chemical engineering, hydrobiology, environmental engineering and food technology. The quality control lab staff receive continuing training and education, attending seminars and workshops on all new developments and technologies in the drinking water lab testing sector.


Our labs are fitted with cutting edge equipment to enable drinking water quality controls to be carried out. More specifically, they use:

  • liquid chromatography with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (LC-MS / MS), to identify semi-volatile pesticides, phenol compounds, and other non-volatile micro-pollutants of water.
  • Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to identify pesticides and volatile organic compounds and solvents, odour and flavour compounds.
  • High pressure liquid chromatography with UV detector to identify Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
  • Atomic absorption with a graphite furnace and a hydride system to identify metals and metalloids.
  • Ion chromatography for both anions and cations (currently being installed).
  • Visible and ultraviolet spectrophotometers.
  • IDEXX Colilert equipment (Quanti-Tray Sealer PLUS, UV light and UV Viewing Cabinet)
  • Incubation furnaces and wet and dry sterilising furnaces.
  • Instrumentation to determine total organic carbon.
  • A selective fluoride electrode.
  • Conductivity meters, turbidity meters, pH meters.
  • Chlorine residual measurement meters.
  • Ultrasonic and deionised water generators.
  • Oxygen Meters and
  • Detailed scales.