- 27 April 2020
- Posted by: eyath-admin2
- Category: Corporate announcements
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The Board of Directors of EYATH SA with its No 186/2020 decision within the framework of its obligations under the provisions of Law 3016/2002 of Corporate Governance and of the 3/347/12.07.2005 Decision of the Board of Directors of Hellenic Capital Market Commission, announces to the investing public that as of 15.4.2020, it designates:
- Ms Samara Maria, Head of the Regulatory Compliance Unit, as Investor Relations Officer with the following contact details:
Maria Samara
127 Egnatia Str, 54635, Thessaloniki
T: +30 2310 966 720
F: +30 2310 250 642
- Ms Mantsiou Evangelia, Chief officer for crisis and risk management of the Regulatory Compliance Unit, as Corporate Announcements Officer, with the following contact details:
Evangelia Mantsiou
127 Egnatia Str, 54635, Thessaloniki
T: +30 2310 966 719,
F: +30 2310 250 642