Analysts presentation of EYATH SA 2015

On Friday the 15th of June 2015 on the Greek Central Securities Depository SA (formerly Thessaloniki Stock Exchange Centre), on the 16-18 Katouni Street the analysts presentation of EYATH SA took place. During the presentation operational issues were presented but also performance indicators, financial ratios and the main financial fundamentals from the President and the CEO of the Company, Nikolaos Papadakis. The economic results of the company were presented by the economic consultant of the company Mr Constantinos Zisis, notably:
The company results for 2014 confirm that EYATH SA remains an economically robust company, with high profitability and important liquidity.
Specifically, turnover reached the amount of €73.7 mil. from €72.3 mil. during 2013 (increase of 1.9%). Gross income reached the amount of €26.3 mil. versus €25.8 mil. (increase 1.73%). Earnings before tax reached €20.3 mil. from €17.7 mil. (increase of 14.9%). Earnings after taxes reached at €13.4 mil. from €13 mil. (increase of  2.35%). The company during the fiscal of 2014 displayed high liquidity, above €50 mil.
As far as the Q1 2015 financial results, according to the financial statements, the company turnover reached €19.1 mil. from €19.2 mil. the respective period last year, reflecting a decrease of 0.56%. Earnings before taxes reached the amount of €6.75 mil. whereas the earnings after taxes reached the amount of €4.9 mil.
The investing public is informed that the presentation slides will be posted on the website of EYATh S.A. (