Corporate ProfileAbout
Management StructureAbout
EYATH S.A. applies the Greek legislation on sociétés anonymes (S.A.), mainly L. 4548/2018 “Reforming the law on sociétés anonymes” (Gov. Gazette No 104 A’/13.06.2018), as in force today, as well as L. 4706/2020 on Corporate Governance of Sociétés Anonymes (Gov. Gazette No 136Α΄/17.7.2020), to which the Company’s Articles of Association have been aligned.
According to Article 13 of EYATH S.A.’s New Codified Articles of Association, as modified by decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders dated 8.9.2022 and in force, the Company is managed by the Board of Directors, consisting of seven (7) to eleven (11) members, elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders. Their term in office is four years, prolonged as the law provides.
The members of the Board of Directors are either executive, non-executive or independent-non executive. Two members of the Board of Directors are elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders as indicated by the company’s employees.
Once elected, the Board of Directors immediately convenes and holds a constituent meeting, electing the Chairman and one or more Vice Chairmen, in case the Chairman and/or the Vice Chairman/Chairmen were not appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Directors can also elect a CEO and executive directors among its members.
The Board of Directors also decides on the appointment of the General Manager or General Managers, and their duties.
General Manager of Operation and Coordination of Networks and Installations | Theodoridou Parthena |
Administration and Organisation Manager | Arabatzis Nikolaos |
Chief Financial Officer | Alexandris Dimitrios |
Consumer Service Manager | Grigoraskou Maria |
Digital Transformation and Informatics Manager | Angelou Georgios |
Strategic Planning, Hydraulic Works & Development Manager | Mentes Alexandros |
Water Supply Network Manager | Lazaridis Spiridon |
Water Supply Installations Manager | Seretoudi Georgia |
Sewerage Network Manager | Mpellos Konstantinos |
Sewerage Installations Manager | Kotoulas Konstantinos |
Head of Division of Compliance, Crisis & Risk Management | Samara Maria |
Head of Internal Audit Unit | Kafetzis Georgios |
The Board of Directors is convened by the Chairman, in line with the Company’s Articles of Association, and meets up to 4 times a month.
EYATH S.A. employs staff with university, technical secondary and basic educations as well as highly-trained expert staff. The total number of company employees is shown in the table below:
(all regular employees)