A “Green”… “Red Road”

A “Red Road” ready to be walked, to be embraced this summer “was delivered by the volunteers who responded today, World Environment Day, to the call of EYATH, the Counter-Region of Development and Environment of the Region of Central Macedonia (” PKM) and Echedorou Fisis “.

The arbocontainers were painted, the tamarisk trees were planted, the benches, the bridges and the information sign were maintained, while there were placed the bases for a light shelter for the rest of the walkers. The volunteers, who defied the high temperatures, were also given organic products and symbolic gifts with the hashtag of the day #OnlyOneEarth.

“We have only one Earth.” This is the motto we must follow, which is also the motto of the celebration of World Environment Day by the UN. And that’s what we do. We have a lot of work ahead of us. “Congratulations to the organizers of this event, especially to EYATH for what it offers for Thessaloniki and the environment”, stressed the Deputy Minister of Interior, in charge of Macedonia-Thrace, Stavros Kalafatis.

“Today,we choose to send  a clear message of environmental protection from this area, which based on our plans will be the new landmark of Thessaloniki and Northern Greece. We have already started the work of upgrading, decontamination and regeneration of the entire area of ​​the west coast of Thessaloniki and because it is a Natura area, in the coming years a huge project will be implemented here that will give development impetus to the area and upgrade the quality of life of our fellow citizens “, pointed out the governor of Central Macedonia, Apostolos Tzitzikostas. “In one of the most beautiful locations of Thessaloniki, we send a strong message that the environment needs our care. With the current climate crisis, this need is urgent. In the Region we have powerful weapons, a comprehensive plan to adapt on the climate change. And because this battle of climate change will become unequal, we must all work together, to unite our forces “, added the vice-governor of Development and Environment of PKM, Costas Gioutikas. Voula Patoulidou, Deputy Regional Head of the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki, spoke about the need “for the 365 days of the year to be environment days”, as well as the need for maintenance and promotion of areas “such as the Kalochori lagoon that foreigners honor and visit”.

“Days like today are an opportunity and a reminder that we have a planet and therefore we are obliged to do everything we can to mitigate the effects and reduce our own, man-made impact on the environment. “EYATH, with initiatives like today, signals its intention to manage the water potential of the region with the required respect and to contribute where else it can to deal with the effects of the climate crisis”, said the president of EYATH, Agis Papadopoulos.

“World Environment Day today. Unfortunately, we all now experience the climate crisis in our homes: severe storms, unpredictable temperature changes, fires, drought. We are here, in a corporate volunteering initiative, to remind ourselves that we the time to change the climate with our actions as individuals, as companies, as a society. “The lagoon of Kalochori and its ‘Red Road’ with flamingos, this alternative walk of the Thessalonians, is the most suitable place for a symbolic action, such as that of EYATH”, pointed out the CEO of EYATH, Anthimos Amanatidis.

“We are happy those who are gathered here today, we renewed the ‘Red Road’ after many years, now it remains to embrace it, to walk it, to become our way out of our daily stress”, noted the representative of the environmental group “Echedorou Fisis” , George Konstantinidis.

The deputy mayor of Environment and Cleanliness of the municipality of Delta, George Kyriakidis, was present in the action and he praised the importance of symbolic initiatives such as that of EYATH and PKM.